Magento only stores shipping address firstname on Paypal Express orders
> Magento and Paypal Express combine to have a difficulty with first and last names. So you end up with the shipping address only having the firstname filled in and the last name empty.
I did some research and found most of the answer here, so thanks to
It seems to be that Magento processes the response from Paypal the SHIPTONAME value being firstname lastname. In app/code/core/mage/Paypal/Model/Api/Nvp.php in the function _exportAddressses
Thats ok mostly but it causes some issues if your shipper requires lastname and firstname so can be a bit annoying.
So you can change it if you need to.
I've added a function splitNameIntoFirstAndLast to that file to split the name eg Colin Smith to 'firstname' = Colin, 'lastname' = Smith. I can write a function given the customers of the store that had this problem ok working out about 98% of them. Probably because the customers mostly have European names. I think you would have to rethink this if your customers were from different places say Chinese or Vietnamese for example.
The other file you have to change is app/code/core/mage/Paypal/Model/Express/Checkout.php which just comments out this line in the function returnFromPaypal which makes that lastname editable.
The function I wrote for splitting names looks like this. I think this is the bit you would want to change depending on your customers. I expect I'll tweak this over time.
This is on Magento The query I used to build a list of names from your database to test your name splitting function is
I'm getting about 1.5% with 'Empty' as lastname.
I did some research and found most of the answer here, so thanks to
It seems to be that Magento processes the response from Paypal the SHIPTONAME value being firstname lastname. In app/code/core/mage/Paypal/Model/Api/Nvp.php in the function _exportAddressses
'firstname' => $data['SHIPTONAME'],
Thats ok mostly but it causes some issues if your shipper requires lastname and firstname so can be a bit annoying.
So you can change it if you need to.
$nameParts = $this->splitNameIntoFirstAndLast($data['SHIPTONAME']);
'firstname' => $nameParts['firstname'],
'lastname' => $nameParts['lastname']
I've added a function splitNameIntoFirstAndLast to that file to split the name eg Colin Smith to 'firstname' = Colin, 'lastname' = Smith. I can write a function given the customers of the store that had this problem ok working out about 98% of them. Probably because the customers mostly have European names. I think you would have to rethink this if your customers were from different places say Chinese or Vietnamese for example.
The other file you have to change is app/code/core/mage/Paypal/Model/Express/Checkout.php which just comments out this line in the function returnFromPaypal which makes that lastname editable.
The function I wrote for splitting names looks like this. I think this is the bit you would want to change depending on your customers. I expect I'll tweak this over time.
function splitNameIntoFirstAndLast($originalName){
$debug = true;
/* if we have debug on we are testing and count failures
* about 1.48% have empty last names in past 7308 with no last name in db
global $count;
$titles = ['Dr','Dr.','Mrs','Mrs.','Mr','Mr.','Ms.', 'Ms', 'Miss.',
$name = trim($originalName);
/* one bloke had name Colin Smith */
$name = str_replace(' ',' ', $name);
/* if the name begins with a . like '. colin smith' */;
$name = preg_replace('/^\. /', '', $name);
/* if the name ends with a . like 'colin smith.' */;
$name = preg_replace('/\.$/', '', $name);
/* replace multiple whitespaces with one people like
colin smith */
$name = preg_replace('/(\s){1,}/',' ', $name);
if(strpos($name,',') !== false){
if they enter their name with commas in then its probably
best to leave it,
we could reverse it but its not always
surname, firstname
//$name = trim(implode(' ', array_reverse(explode(',', $name))));
$foundTitle = $cofound = false;
$nameParts = explode(' ', $name);
/* colin smith C/O Some Company */
if(stripos($name,'C/O') !== false){
$nameParts = preg_split('/C\/O/i', $name);
$nameParts[1] = substr($name, stripos($name,'C/O'),3).$nameParts[1];
$cofound = true;
$currentNamePartIndex = 0;
$firstName = $nameParts[$currentNamePartIndex];
if(count($nameParts) > 2 && in_array($nameParts[0], $titles)){
$foundTitle = true;
$currentNamePartIndex = 2;
$firstName = $nameParts[1];
}else if(count($nameParts) > 2 &&
strlen($nameParts[$currentNamePartIndex]) == 1){
$currentNamePartIndex = 0;
$firstName = '';
while(strlen($nameParts[$currentNamePartIndex]) == 1){
$firstName .= $nameParts[$currentNamePartIndex].' ';
$currentNamePartIndex = $currentNamePartIndex+1;
$lastName = implode(' ',array_slice($nameParts,$currentNamePartIndex));
/* odds and sods */
/* camel case like ColinMcSomething */
if($lastName == '' && mb_strtoupper($firstName, 'utf-8') != $firstName){
$nameParts = preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/', $firstName, -1,
if(count($nameParts) > 1){
$firstName = $nameParts[0];
$lastName = implode('', array_slice($nameParts,1));
/* */
if($lastName == '' && strpos($firstName,'@') !== false){
$nameParts = explode('@', $firstName);
$firstName = $nameParts[0];
$lastName = implode('', array_slice($nameParts,1));
/* colin no last name */
if($lastName == ''){
$lastName = 'Empty';
$parts = array($originalName, $firstName, $lastName);
return array('firstname' => $parts[1], 'lastname' => $parts[2]);
This is on Magento The query I used to build a list of names from your database to test your name splitting function is
SELECT DISTINCT(CONCAT('"',prefix_sales_flat_order_address.firstname,'",'))
FROM prefix_sales_flat_order_address
JOIN prefix_sales_flat_order
on (prefix_sales_flat_order.shipping_address_id = prefix_sales_flat_order_address.entity_id AND prefix_sales_flat_order_address.address_type = 'shipping')
or (prefix_sales_flat_order.billing_address_id = prefix_sales_flat_order_address.entity_id AND
prefix_sales_flat_order_address.address_type = 'billing')
prefix_sales_flat_order.created_at > '2017-01-01 00:00:00'
AND lastname is null
AND prefix_sales_flat_order_address.address_type = 'shipping';
I'm getting about 1.5% with 'Empty' as lastname.
/ Adam