
Geeklog: What I Learnt Today / Adam

Getting your authorship on your sites google search results

> Saw some other peoples sites coming up in search engines with their picture next to the result. Seems this is relatively easy. I did it on this site by adding a link to the bottom of this page to my google profile page at like so

<a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/101603140027014722427/about" 
just swap the '101603140027014722427' for whatever the number is in your profile url. I'm not sure how long it took but think I next looked a couple of weeks later and my google profile picture was appearing in the search results by then. Probably depends on how often you get crawled. Guess it would be good if you were guest blogging on a site.
You can test that you have done it ok by visiting http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets and typing in your url.

/ Adam