
Geeklog: What I Learnt Today / Adam

apostrophes and htmlentities

> Use
& a p o s ;
rather than
& # 3 9 ;
then move on this is dull.
Pah & a p o s ; comes out as &apos in ie 7 and 8 stupid browser & # 3 9 ; is fine. I was pulling it in via ajax call which just complicates stuff, works fine when you get to Internet Explorer 9 I used & a p o s ; because it seemed more self documenting than & # 3 9;
This old blog post explains more
Apparently they are complying with a standard, if your really having trouble sleeping.
I don't want to keep this stuff in my brain but hopefully this will be useful for someone else. So far today I've done html entities, 404 logs and pelmets: my thrilling life :)

/ Adam